The Pitches of 2025
Grace Bida, President
Art, Film and Visual Studies (AFVS) and Education • Class of 2026 • Mather House • Alto II
Grace is a junior from Wellesley, MA, and went to her first Pitches concert when she was three years old. Having been to many since, she is thrilled be part of the group, and grateful to be its president during the group’s 50th year! Grace is passionate about bringing empathy and equity to education. When she is not rehearsing or studying, you can find her exploring the city with her camera and and obsessing over the lyrical genius, Taylor Swift.
Elizabeth Bennett, Music Director
Music and French • Class of 2026 • Dunster House • Soprano II
Elizabeth is a junior from England who studies Music and French. As a lover of all things music-related, she is absolutely thrilled to be singing with the Pitches this year. On campus, she is also a member of the University Choir and the Bach Society Orchestra, and often plays in pit bands with the Harvard-Radcliffe Dramatic Club. When she’s not running between all of these rehearsals, you can usually find her practicing French (eating croissants), learning new tunes on her mandolin (procrastinating her music theory homework), and gossiping with her sisters on the phone.
Camille Baker, Assistant Music Director
Sociology and Music • Class of 2025 • Leverett House • Alto I
Cami is a senior from a small town outside of Pittsburgh, PA. Cami is so excited for her fourth year with the Pitches. When she’s not singing the doo-bas, she may be seen biking around campus, hanging with her pals from HCFA, planning the next social gathering or writing an essay that was due last month. Cami loves long conversations with friends, Veritaffles, studying the Bible, and spending time with the Lord. Cami is always up for an adventure and loves meeting new people!
Angela Zhang, Business Manager
Economics and Philosophy • Class of 2027 • Mather House • Alto I
Angela is a sophomore from Warren, NJ, and is beyond excited to be Business Manager for the Pitches’ 50th Anniversary year! For fun, she likes writing music, exploring new restaurants to rank on Beli, and various other random things. She hates running but otherwise enjoys all other things fitness. Other things she likes include sourdough pasta, spicy salmon, and Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go. In case you couldn’t tell, if you have a good book or restaurant recommendation, please send it her way.
Chloe Chao, Co-Stage Manager
Integrative Biology • Class of 2027 • Mather House • Alto II
Chloe is a sophomore from Weston, MA and is so excited to be singing with the Pitches this year! She loves painting, picnics, Costco (especially the free samples), thrifting clothes, and picking up hobbies that she doesn’t have the time for. Outside of a cappella, she can be found doing theater, frantically finishing her p-sets, munching at brain break, and singing in the shower!
Emily Chan, Co-Stage Manager
Neuroscience • Class of 2026 • Leverett House • Alto I
Emily is a junior from Mountain View, CA and is thrilled to dive into her third year with the Pitches! Outside of a cappella, you can find her studying larval zebrafish in lab, kicking around with the Club Soccer team, helping out at a PAF study break, or (most likely) biking around the Charles River whilst lipsyncing to Lizzy McAlpine. The key to her heart? A strawberry matcha latte, a curated playlist, and a gorgeous sunset.
Andreea Haidau, Tour Manager
Applied Mathematics and Cognitive Science • Class of 2026 • Mather House • Soprano II
Andreea is a junior from the Chicago area. At any given moment, she may be found doing one of the following: literally singing in the rain, having a spontaneous dance party with her roommates, burning her tongue on too-hot tea but drinking it anyway, or staying up all night for no good reason.
Dhriti Vadlakonda, Tour Manager
Engineering Sciences • Class of 2026 • Currier House • Alto I
Dhriti is a junior in Currier House studying engineering sciences. She is from Clarksville, Maryland. Outside of the Pitches, Dhriti is the business manager for Harvard Model UN, dances with Harvard Ghungroo, and does patient outcomes research at MGH! In her free time, you can find Dhriti laughing the night away with her roomies, on the way to/back from Ten One Tea House, out shopping in Boston, and binge-watching Bollywood movies on Netflix.
Katie Burstein, Alumni Liaison
Classics and History of Science • Class of 2025 • Winthrop House • Alto II
Katie is a senior from Wellesley, MA, who is over the moon to be Alumni Liaison of the Pitches this year! When not snapping away with the Alto 2s and sending emails, you can find her singing Bach Cantatas with UChoir, writing for the Crimson and reading on University Hall steps. Katie spends her free time listening to Bruce Springsteen records, playing the guitar, and planning out dinner party menus.
Oluchi Amadife
Romance Languages & Literatures and Government • Class of 2025 • Winthrop House • Soprano II
Oluchi is a senior from New York, NY, studying Romance Languages & Literatures and Government. She’s excited to spend her final year singing with the Pitches, especially for their 50th-anniversary jam! When she’s not performing, Oluchi can be found fulfilling her role as a student adviser in the Office of International Education, where she’s known for chasing down students and convincing them to study abroad—just like she did in France during her junior year!
Talia Hanley
Economics • Class of 2025 • Lowell House • Soprano I
Talia is a senior from Austin, TX and is beyond thrilled to be singing with the Pitches this year!! When she is not rehearsing or hanging out with the Pitches, you can find her doing research or analysis on her thesis, working with alumni and students as a College Director on the Harvard Alumni Association Board of Directors, helping facilitate effective on-campus civil discourse as an Intercollegiate Civil Disagreement Program Fellow, or exploring ways to make the Class of 2025's senior year incredible as a Harvard College Fund Marshall! In her free time, she loves trying new food around the Boston area and listening to a wild mix of music including country, pop (especially Lady Gaga), and of course, jazz music.
Sarah Latzke
Psychology and Education • Class of 2025 • Cabot House • Soprano II
Sarah (or, as the Pitches know her, “Slatz”) is a senior from Powell, Ohio! When she isn’t singing with the Pitches, Sarah can be found kicking it (figuratively) during movie nights with her blockmates or kicking it (literally) at taekwondo practice. Other hobbies include attempting to construct crossword puzzles, whipping up mean matcha lattes for herself and other Pitches, and staring adoringly at corgis on the Quad Lawn. Sarah is honored to be part of the Pitches’ 50th anniversary year for her fourth and final year in the group!
Annabelle Brooks
Cognitive Neuroscience and Evolutionary Psychology • Class of 2027 • Mather House • Soprano II
Annabelle is a sophomore from Portland, Maine. A classical and jazz pianist, she has always loved music and also enjoys playing the trumpet in the Harvard Band. Fascinated by all creatures great and small (she has a tiny zoo of pets back home including a mellow ball python snake named Steve), she is studying a combination of psychology and biology. Also, fun fact: she had her alumni interview with the guy who came up with the name for the Pitches (shoutout Bob Stier ’75)! When she isn’t singing or cranking out problem sets, you can find her going for a run along the Charles, searching for a tasty cappuccino, or getting lost in Cambridge because she has a very poor sense of direction.
Isabella Gidi
Applied Mathematics • Class of 2027 • Mather House • Soprano I
Bella is a sophomore from Houston, Texas studying Applied Math on the Computer Science Track with a minor in Mind, Brain, and Behavior. She loves breaking out into song and dance spontaneously, so Pitches rehearsal always leaves her in a great mood! :)
Grace Hawkins
Class of 2028 • Wigglesworth Hall • Soprano I
Grace is a first year hailing from McLean, Virginia and she is beyond excited to join this incredibly talented community of performers—and celebrate their 50th anniversary this year! You can find her sampling every variety of tea available in Annenberg or “studying” at brain break with her friends.